Your mom is so ugly that when she went to rob a bank, they had to turn the cameras off.
Ugly Mom Bank Robber
This is a roast, relying on hyperbole to make fun of someone's mom. The humor is that the mom is so ugly, it's like she's a monster and the bank needs to hide her from cameras.
R.I.P Juice Wrld
Your mom is so ugly that she made a blind kid cry. You momma is so fat she stepped on a scale and it said: To be continued.
Your mom so fat that we took a picture of her 12 years ago and it’s still printing the head
None of your business ho
Roses are red violets are blue your mom hates you because you're an ugly bumb
Yo mama so ugly when she went to the dentist they made her lay head down
Your momma so fat when the judge said order in the court she asked for a burger and fries
Yo mama so fat that when she swam in the ocean the whales chanted "One of us"