Why did Daveon get fired from his job at the orange juice factory? Because he couldn't concentrate.
How many Daveons does it take to change a lightbulb? None, he prefers to stay in the dark.
Why did Daveon go to the doctor? Because he was feeling 'daveon' in the dumps.
What did the kid without hands get for Christmas? - I don't know, he still didn't open his present...
When's the only time a rapeboat is quiet? When he got his uncle's cock in his mouth.
What's only book rapeboat ever read? Rhyming dictionary, he got no rhymes without it.
Why was the rapper always calm during storms?
Because he had a good FLOW
Why did the DJ go to therapy?
Because he had too many issues with his TURNTABLE.
"BlessedBrian must be a SMOKE DETECTOR... because he never fails to kill the vibe."
Nasruddin Hodja was tilling his patch of land when a hunter came riding up.
“Hey, you!" said the man. “Did you see a boar run past?"
“Yes," replied Hodja.
“Which way did it go?" demanded the man.
Hodja pointed in the direction in which the boar had gone.
The man rode away without a word of thanks, but he was back within minutes.
“No sign of it!" he said. “Are you sure it went that way?"
“I am certain," replied Hodja. “It went that way. Two years ago."
Why did the rapper go to the seafood restaurant?
Because he heard they had PHAT BASS
Why didn't the movie star argue with the customer service clerk?
He didn't have a good counter act!
Whats the difference between your dad and grocery shopping he didn't come back with the milk
Why did the rapper become an archaeologist?
Because he wanted to dig for old-school beats!
Why did the rapper bring a clock to the concert?
Because he wanted to drop some TIMELY RHYMES
Why was the rapper always in good shape?
Because he never skipped a beat!
Why did the rapper go to the dentist?
Because he had too many FILL-INS.
Why was the rapper always late?
Because he had to drop his kids off at the Rhyme Bus.
How does a rapper stay cool?
He drops some ICE in his rhymes
Why was the rapper always happy?
Because he lived life on the rhyme side!