What do you call it if your mom is a guy and ur dad is a woman?
Other girls want a guy who is 6ft but does me being 6ft under count?
I was playing football and this guy comes to me, he was in a wheelchair. We started playing rocket league
"I met a girl and she's 28"
Now I'm the coolest guy in all of 8th grade"
I wish that people would stop mailing jokes about Kobe Bryant Guys all they do is crash and burn!!
Some guy called me a tool. So I got hammered and nailed his girlfriend. Guess he was right.
Q. whats an orphans fav south park ep A. the anti family guy episode
i see, you guys jokers are SANS-ational
A guy goes onto a rooftop bar, and is sitting next to a guy who says he’s drinking a magical drink. He asks “What’s so magical about it?” the guy drives a car and flies it around the rooftop. the other tries, but falls of and dies.
The bartender shakes his head, and says.
"Y’know, you’re a real jerk when you’re drunk superman.
Guys we shouldn't make jokes about 911 my dad was a victum he was the best pilot in Arab
A guy wins a free ticket to the Super Bowl and so he’s very excited.
However, he’s not so excited when he gets there and realizes his seat’s in the back of the stadium.
So he looks around him for a better seat, and to his surprise he finds an empty seat right next to the field.
He approaches the older guy who’s sitting in the seat next to the empty one and asks if the seat is taken.
The man replies, “No.”
The young guy is very surprised to hear this and asks, “How could someone pass up a seat like this?”
The older guy replies, “It’s my wife’s seat. We’ve been to every Super Bowl together since the day we were married but she’s passed away.”
“Oh, how sad,” the young guy says, taken aback. “I’m sorry to hear that, but couldn’t you find a friend or relative to come with you?”
“No,” the man replies, “They’re all at the funeral.”