I’m so straight you could call me a supplementary angle
I just broke up with my mathematician girlfriend. She was obsessed with an X.
Why don't rappers struggle with geometry?
Because they have all the ANGLES covered
What does a depressed kid who loves geometry use to kill themself? A hypoteNUSE!
how come pizza boxes are square when the pizza is a circle cut into triangles
Why did Al Qaeda fail geometry? Cuz they ruined the pentagon
What is the similarity between maths and buildings? Two parallel lines can be intersected by a plane
There was a math teacher on a plane that crashed. What was the last thing that went through their head?
A pentagon
When does a pentagon not have 5 sides?
When it’s intersected by a plane.
why are corners so hot? they are always 90o
Why do priests play Geometry Dash? Cuz they can beat Demons.
When someone saw your hairline, they thought it was a Dorito logo.
....Addition, frustration, subtraction, aggression, depression.
what does the teachers eat they eat square stuff
Your hairline is so discombobulated, it looks like a geometrical shape
Why do orphans hate Geometry cuz it reminds them that their parents are poley-gone
You know what a triangle has that women's rights don't? A point.
I was in math class and we were learning geometry. My teacher said PENTAGON then all of a sudden PENALDO burst into the room! He thought we were talking about PENS so he came looking for some because he's a finished pen merchant! Shame on you Penaldo for ruining my education 🤬 !
Your family tree looks like a circle 💀💀💀
What will die Immediately instead of having to suffer torture on the spike of a Judas cradle, a Geometry Dash icon.