What gun can’t you find in Africa l
A water gun
If one of ya'll could find my weave, that'd be great :)
What's the difference between my dad and Nemo? Don't know still haven't found them.
Yo mama why you have to jump in the pool as soon as I can find the water on Mario I mean Mario jump to Mars
Hey math: I’m really tired of trying to find your X. Accept that she’s gone, and solve your own problems, dude!
What do you call an orphan with parents? Idk I never met one before Bonus joke: I went up to an orphan and asked where his parents were he said “I don’t have any” I said “wonder why” Another bonus joke: Me: hey orphan: hey me: what do you do for fun Orphan: look for my parents Me: me so their not dead? Orphan: no they just abounded me More bonus’s: what do you call a homeless kid An orphan last bonus Why don’t orphanages teach kids about home Because they can’t find one lmao this is so funny dark humor can be funny sorry orphans
What did one slave owner say to the other slave owner when he couldn’t find his slave? Don’t worry, I’ll Rope him in
What ankle is getting cut off of school? The lights
What do you call it when you're trying to find out what someone had for lunch?
An ingestigation.
When your whatching a 9/11 documemtry that one kid in your class finds the 97th jenga block ands knocks it down
have anyone seen my balls i cant find them on my chest hey! my balls are on your thing