"Zre, um, be careful when using a gun, okay? And meh not fat, boy."
Yo mama is so fat, she turned all the mermaids to fishes!
You are so fat Bob the Builder said, "I can't fix it!" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Your mother is so fat, she doesn’t need...
When you are playing Fortnite and you get a big W, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
yo hairline is so bad is looks like a fat persons stomach
Your mum's so fat that when she goes to KFC, they run out of stock of chicken.
Fat girls give the best head because they are hungry and eat the most dick.
Why does Aaron have no friends? Because his spine is weird and he is fat.
Lol, this joke may not be funny, but what do you call your mom fat and emo?
My girlfriend is so fat that when she runs or walks, she falls, so I am breaking up with you.
🙍🏼♀️Fat girlfriend: Nooo, don’t leave me, catch me, ahhh!
🙇🏼♀️Fat girlfriend falls on boyfriend: Ahhhhhh *dump*
🙇🏼♀️🙇🏼Fat girlfriend and boyfriend: Fat girlfriend: U didn’t catch me wawawawa. Boyfriend: Get off me, 900 pounds, ugh, I hate u!
Story done. Please like.
one day, a chicken went to the nail store. He asked the "owner" where the shampoo was. "BRO IM NOT THE FRIKKIN MANAGER" the guy said. So the duck walked away. The next day he went back to the store and asked a pregnant lady why she was so fat. The lady punched him and ran away. The duck cried. Then he went to the lady's husband and said that he must be tired of being married since she punches people every day. The man punched him. The duck assumed they were the punching couple. The duck walked, and then fell in a ditch and stayed there to die. The pregnant lady and her husband were very pleased >:) muhahahahahahaha
Yo mama is so fat that you should really take care of her because diabetes is a serious problem and she might die.
I like my girls like my file systems...
FAT and 16.
What do you call a grey, fat, and very old unicorn?
A rhino.
Yo mama so fat that when she sat on the couch, the couch got destroyed.
How Jupiter was discovered.
Once there was a fat lady who farted yellow, orange, and peach. All that fart went to space and created a planet that NASA saw and went over there, but it smelled really bad.
Did you know that, statistically, 1 in 10 people live next door to a pedophile? Not me though, not me though; I live next door to a lil 10 year old boy with a FAT ASS yenno what I'm sayin'???
Yo mama so fat, that when she gets in a monster truck, it becomes a low-rider!
ur momma is so fat, the whole earth falls down to 100000000ft