Meow Meow I'm a cow, i said Meow Meow i'm a cow
A kid milks a cow and goes to school and tells his friends I milk a cow and it took awhile for it to warm up and his brother came over and said we don't have cows we have Bulls
Where can you find the freshest vegetables? A school for the disabled!
What is a cow's favorite party game?
Moo-sical chairs!
What do you call a sleeping cow? A bull-dozer.
What did the mother cow say to the baby cow?
"It's pasture bed time."
Why was the cow afraid? He was a cow-herd.
Bad cows, bad cows, whatcha gonna moo?!
Why did the cow cross the road? To get to the udder side.
I had problems milking my cow one morning. It was an udder failure.
Why do cows have hooves? Because they lactose!
What do you get when you insert human DNA into a goat? Banned from the petting zoo!
What did mama cow say to baby cow? -- "It's pasture bed time."
One time, a cow saved my life. -- It was bovine intervention.
Where do cows go on holiday? -- Moo Zealand.
How does a cow become invisible? -- Through camooflage.
Why are theaters popular among cows? -- They enjoy watching moovies.
Why did Beethoven get rid of his chickens?
All they said was, "Bach, Bach, Bach..."
Why does a milking stool only have 3 legs? -- Because the cow has the udder.