
Factory Jokes

Why did Daveon get fired from his job at the orange juice factory? Because he couldn't concentrate.

Little of topic but Mum. You.wouldnt be here without me Son and my birth certificate is a sorry letter from the condom factory Mum fair point

I got fired from the bowling ball factory for throwing out the ones that had holes in them.

I was exploring the Dubai trophy factory when someone came crashing in. It was him, Pristiano Penaldo. He held the workers and gunpoint forcing them to make him another plastic Mickey Mouse award or he will dive and sue them for assaulting him. Shame on you pendu! 🤬🤬

Why did the homophobic boy get fired from the banana factory???? He kept throwing away the bent ones!!

My brother eats water from the pig factory at 1:am, and blames a deaf kid, so he ended up going to solitary

What’s the last thing Tickle Me Elmo receives before leaving the factory? Two test tickles.

Why did the chief go to jail?

Because he beat the eggs and whiped the cream