"Dinosaur killing with a 2x4, no more purple dinosaur!"
What do the Twin Towers and murder victims have in common?
Both were owned by their own kind.
The terrorists got a killstreak of 2,996; they are popping off, bro.
why were the twin towers sad
they ordered dominos and got jets
9/11 was pretty great to me, it's just hilarious to watch people lose at Jenga.
9/11 is like me after I'm finished with my Lego house. I destroy it! šš¤£
If life was like Pacific Rim, I'd say your mom's pussy was a category 5.
I shouted "Jenga" in class today.
We were watching clips of 9/11.
How do you make a trash can leak?
Hit it with an axe until it becomes part of the cosmos!
Twin towers are like identical twins, and I threw a paper airplane.
My life is like a grenade... I pull off the ring and, BOOM, it explodes!
What has 15 arms, 9 legs, 8 heads, and 12 eyeballs?
A mosque after a missile strike.
"Iām going through a lot of things right now," I said frustratedly to the person on the line as I crashed straight through the next building in my car.
Should I burn heaven?
Your mama is so fat that she doesn't get crushed by cars, she crushes cars and babies in strollers on the sidewalk when she falls and doesn't see any remains, so there is no evidence.
Damn, this new Angry Birds is fire!
I wrote a few jokes:
What does a 15-year-old boy do without two hands when his parents are not at home? Well, obviously do not jerk off.
Yesterday a girl from my job invited me to her home and there I had crazy sex. I could not think that her mother is so hot.
What will happen the morning after the destruction of humanity? Duncan MacLeod makes himself breakfast.