Depressed kid

Depressed Kid Jokes

The depressed kid walked into the counselor's office. "I'm feeling like killing myself," he said. "Oh no! Don't worry, sweetie, just hang in there!," the counselor responded.

If an apple and a depressed kid fall out of a tree, which one hits the ground first? The apple. The kid just hangs there.

Tiktoker: I will kill anyone who pours milk before cereal Depressed kid tiktok reply: *pours milk before cereal, pours cereal then takes a bite* I'll wait

A depressed kid takes a drink of water and someone takes it and takes a drink. "Oh come on, the train stopped, the rope broke, I couldn't get on the building, the gun was empty, the knife was dull, the bridge was too low and the cliff was non existent and now you took the poison !"

Q: Why was the depressed kid sad on Christmas? A: They weren't hanging like the ornaments on a tree.