Yesterday i saw an orphan walking down the street. I asked him if he was ok. He said no so i asked him if he needed help. And he said yes so i let him in my car and said dont worry you’ll be home with you parents soon. He said my parents died. I said i know.... i went for the cliffs
I have the brains of an old man and the heart of a child. If you don't believe me, I can pop my trunk.
Sonic says: Gotta go fast! The Hulk SMASH! Orphan says Gotta go home!
have a child u don’t want just drop them off at a school they don’t know and drive away
Huggy Wuggy and Kissy Missy had a baby. They never gave him a name, so they just played cut the rope with him...
a kid was asking a mother for money
mother: sorry I don't have money
the kid kept asking the mother for money
mother: I already told you I don't have money
the kid(the middle child): I'm your fucking child
Why could not the 11 year old watch the pirate movie? because it was rated RRRRGGGG
i am guessing u dont understand :(
what makes a child an orphan?
their parents left the for good :D
Imagine getting a call and it says, "Welcome to David's orphanage. You make them, we take them. How may we help you?"
how do you make a orphan cry? ask to go over to his house if his parents are OK with it
what is a orphans favorite song. lost boy
A child molester and a priest walks into a bar. He orders a drink
Mom:lets have an adoption party! Kid:cries Mom:what’s wrong? Kid:IM ADOPTED????
Boy: Hey mom can we have ice cream. Orphan: What's a mom?
Little Johnny said he wanted a coffee. SO his mom said he can have one. He got an esspresso not knowing depresso came with it.
Little Johnny went up to his mom and said: "Can i have some milk?" He waited for three hours to get an answer. His mom finally said: "No your dad still isn't back with it."
i saw a kid on the side of the rode covered in rags and asked if he was a orphan he said what gave me away i said your parents
I was walking to the store and then this boy told me "I'm an orphan and I have no money" he wanted M&Ms I gave him Family sized
i was digging out side and i found my child old toy so i ran to find him but i could not find him so i was searching for about 6 hours but the i remembered why i was digging......
A Down child is drowning, he calls help with all of his voice:<<Somebody help me!! I'm Downing>>