Cant Jokes

This is what the unknown guy is saying about Tenya and Kenya! Go to each link and Read it and the comments and will really make U cry! U think gwen is the worst one to get bullied will look at this!

man: why cant an orphan use Verizon ? kid: why? man: cause they have a family plan kid: oh then i need to switch phone services then man: why kid: im a orphan man: laughs out loud thats tuff ( you can tell the joke shortentd by saying why cant an orphan use Verizon cause they have a family plan)

alright so i have a few orphan jokes im gonna put them all in one message.

why cant orphans be gay? they have no one to call daddy.

why cant orphans go on a field trip? parent signiture:______

new teacher: i used to be an orphan as a kid students:hahaha teacher: is anyone missing? students:no one just your parents

why did the orphan become a prostitute? they kept calling everyone daddy

why do orphans have the iphonex because it has no home button

Little Johnny was living with his granpa durring the summer...Well grampa had a beer and Johnny said “grampa, let me get a sip of that” Grampa said “well lil Johnny, does your dk reach your a?” and lil Johnny said "well no sir"And grampa said then no you cant. Later that day papaw(granpa) had a ciggar and Johnny said let me get a hit of that and papaw asked well Johnny does your dk reach your a and Johnny said no again and then papaw was shootin his gun and johnny asked if he could shhot it and granpa asked Johnny if his dk reached his a and johnny sid no well after supper Johnnys granma made Johnny some ice cream (the most amazing bowl of ice cream EVER) and granpa said “Johnny, let me get a bit of that ice cream” and Johnny asked papaw "well papaw does your dk reach your a nd papaw said “well Johnny as a matter of a fact it does” and johnny said “good, now go fck your self cause you aint gettin none of my ice cream!”

My Grandma as any other she got a APPLE IPHONE 12 but a we all know we get dumb and so we buy a phone my grandma did not even know how to use it she even said How do i go on google i told her YOU CANT!My grandma was yeah right how do i do it. Comment down below does you grandma do this?

Little Johnny was living with his granpa durring the summer...Well grampa had a beer and Johnny said "grampa, let me get a sip of that" Grampa said "well lil Johnny, does your d**k reach your a**?" and lil Johnny said "well no sir"And grampa said then no you cant. Later that day papaw(granpa) had a ciggar and Johnny said let me get a hit of that and papaw asked well Johnny does your d**k reach your a** and Johnny said no again and then papaw was shootin his gun and johnny asked if he could shhot it and granpa asked Johnny if his d**k reached his a** and johnny sid no well after supper Johnnys granma made Johnny some ice cream (the most amazing bowl of ice cream EVER) and granpa said "Johnny, let me get a bit of that ice cream" and Johnny asked papaw "well papaw does your d**k reach your a** nd papaw said "well Johnny as a matter of a fact it does" and johnny said "good, now go fck your self cause you aint gettin none of my ice cream!"

puerto Rican teen: I'm a waste a failure, NUNCA LO PODRA ASER (ill never be able to do it) the mother: AI NINO ( OH CHILD ) the teen: QUE? ( WHAT?) the mother: NO TE PONGA CON ESTA MIELDA OTRAVES! ( DONT START WITH THIS SHIT AGAIN) the teen: I CANT DO SHIT RIGHT MAMA the mother: OOOHHH YEAH WELL TU SI PUEDES ABLAR MIELDA DE TI, I BOTAR BASURA! (YOU SURE CAN TALK CRAP ABOUT YOURSELF AND THROW OUT THE TRASH) the teen: QUAL ( WIHCH) the mother: MADRE DE DIOS (MOTHER OF GOD) the teen: AVIA UNA NEGRA I OTRA BLANKA ( THERE WAS A BLACK ONE AND WHITE ONE) *a phone buzzes* the teen: whose phone is that ma? unknown: MR PRESIDENT IF YOU TAKE AWAY THE CONFEDERATE FLAG HOW AM I SUPPOSED WHO THE BAD WHITE PEOPLE ARE * runs to bag opens white one and sticks hand in* the teen : HAIR GELL

Wash It Away- By- Bradley Lewis(watersharky) and Ben Lewis and Watersharky Music Productions-Why does it always feel like I'm The one that's had a bad day? Whether I'm stuck in traffic or Showing up to work late Oh this 9 to 5 feels like 9 to Forever been working all week For a jerk that thinks they can Say whatever they want to me I'll just bite my tongue for a Couple more days Soon I'll be in that island sun Surfing those waves I need the beach I love the ocean Put my feet in the sand Watch the earth in motion Ya had a bad week ya had a bad Day Take it to the shoreside and wash It away Oh yeah You gotta wash it away Finally I'm here and I cant even Stop myself from smiling Somebody hand me a beer and I'll check the girls on the island Don't miss my 9 to 5 Living like a local on this island time I got those sandy toes and Nobody knows jump in the Ocean and just go with the flow I'll miss my sandy toes I've got to go back before you Know this island is my home I need the beach I love the ocean Put my feet in the sand Watch the earth in motion Ya had a bad week ya had a bad Day Take it to the shoreside and wash It away Oh yeah You gotta wash it away Wash it away I need the beach I love the ocean Put my feet in the sand Watch the earth in motion Ya had a bad week ya had a bad Day Take it to the shoreside and wash It away Oh yeah You gotta Wash it away Wash it away

Alicia: I said no already quit it u are thristy leave me alone creep Nathan: I wanna sex YOU Alicia:I LOVE DICK bud you're *WEIRD* Nathan: WE_WE ALicia: WEE-WEE? Nathan: YES YES YES LETS FUCK NOW TAKE them panies off u said yes well in french but u said yes Alicia: U tricked me I ain fucking u Nathan: * SEX ME!! BITCH SEX ME OH PLEASE SEX ME SEX ME* *screaming saying it* Alicia:*WEIRD* Nathan: Dick ten inches and i geuss u cant call me *10 inched big long dick nathan* your lose Alicia: WHAT NO.... wait? 10 inches yess cauh!.cauh! ummm umm long dick goood unmmm couh coun ccccchhou nathan: why do i have the urge to stick a chicken wing up yo pussy cuugh umm