
Cancer Jokes

So i went to the doctors and the doctor said "Pick a star sign any star sign" So i said "Aquarius" And the doctor said "nah mate you've got cancer"


There are 4 people in a line three stand up and say we are standing up for cancer and then thers the one in the weelchair

Me and my little brother were playing Call Of Duty. He wasn't doing very good so I told him so. My brother said to me, "at least I don't have to camp in order to get kills". I then responded with, "I would call you cancer, but at least cancer kills".


Why did the little boy fall off the swing? Because he had no arms or legs

What did the little boy get for Christmas? Cancer

Why did the little boy drop his ice cream? He got hit by a bus

Knock knock.....Who’s there... Not the little boy

So I ran into my Specialist Doctor and he said "pick a star sign, any star sign" so I said "Capricorn " and he said "nah you got cancer".