You can beat up orphans, what are they gonna do, tell their parents?
Remember kids if ur ever mad beat up an orphan what are they gonna do call their mom??
It's only okay to beat up a dwarf when they walk up to your wife and say, "Your hair smells nice."
What can change color and get beat up?
I beat up a deaf kid the other day. I had to. He kept throwing up gang signs.
Q: Why did Sally get beat up?
A: She couldn’t fight back.
If your ever bored just beat up a orphan, what are they gonna do tell their parents
I was finally released from jail a year after I beat up someone on New Year’s Eve.
Don’t blame me for being suspicious of an Arabian counting down from ten.
roses are red, violets are blue, I’m sorry you look like my old beat up shoe
I beat up my twin friends with a plane.
There's nothing else that can beat up dog.
What's up, dog?
Just my depression!
When a "Baby on Board" sticker is a little faded and beat up, you know the kid is at least a year old, and the car is safe to ram
What do you get when you beat up an autistic kid?
Mashed potatoes
I beat up a blind kid but he says hes the strongest he never saw that one!
One day I was walking along the street and I found some caution tape... Just sitting there torn up... Beat up, and you could barely unravel it anymore because I would just burst into shreds... It kinda reminded me of what happened to my sister's killer... They still haven’t found him yet... I’m really good at hide and seek!
What do you do when your bored
Beat up an orphan what are they going to do tell their parents
Why did I beat up the orphan? Because he was a whiny bitch who wouldn't shut the fuck up.
i beat up a failed musician until he started crying. i thought a few hits would cheer him up!
Little Johnny brought a baseball bat to school. The teacher asked why he had one. He said “I need it to beat up the principal” when the principal found out what Little Johnny had said, well let’s just say Little Johnny didn’t need no baseball bat to kill him.
Russia be like we're strong, gets ass beat up by a comedian with a hook nose...
#i stand with Ukraine 🇺🇦