How do you make Alabama cookies? Put them in a big bowl and beat for three hours.
How did Donald Trump win Alabama twice?
By declaring that he has a crush on his daughter!
Why do people in Alabama always swipe left on Tinder?
Because they aren't family!
Did you hear that the governor's mansion in Alabama burned down? Almost took out the whole trailer park.
Necrophilia in Alabama is fun for the whole family even grandma.
Name Something you practiced kissing on as a kid.
What do you call your brother in Alabama? Daddy
Alabama. Every time there's a family reunion a baby is born 9 months later.
*Visiting Alabama* Pop Up dating ads be like: Never be lonely at
Sometimes i wish my gf was here that way we could have some fun in my bed, the I realize she's right across the hall. (SWEET HOME ALABAMA)!!
What is the difference between you're girlfriend and you're sister
There both sweet home Alabama
you'll never be lonely at
What do you say after committing incest?
No Chromo!
Where's, my sisters friend oh I forgot we are in Alabama
If you get a divorce with your husband, does that still mean you’re siblings?
Why was Helen Keller truly an inspiration?
Answer; She learned how to read and write despite being from Alabama!