
Alabama Jokes

I seriously don't get why people in Alabama are angered that Mexican immigrants are taking their jobs. I mean, it's not like they are preventing your son from giving you a big fat blow job.

I was in Alabama last year. I walked into a store and noticed a couple kissing eachother and I said excuse where is the bathroom and the man said right over there. I went into the bathroom and then heard the girl say "Dad I have to go to school soon"

Most states:

"It's ok, it won't be awkward. We're still friends."


"She didn't wanna be my girlfriend anymore. But she said she'll still be my sister."

How can a person from Alabama tell that someone is an illegal immigrant?

If they are dating someone that isn't related to them.

So I hooked up with a girl at a party, but I forgot that it was a family reunion. (SWEET HOME ALABAMA STARTS PLAYING