34 Jokes

a girl tried 77.34 (77.34) times to think of a word oppisite word of BYE.then her brother divided the word BYE. 77.34 divided by 100. TRY IT!!

I'm 34 and I went on a date with my 19 year old girlfriend, I got heckled with "you're a paedophile!" and "you sick F...!" Completely ruined our 10th anniversary!

12 look at your shoes 34 they look better than yours 56 you have no friends 78 you look like a ape 9 10 dont you like men 11 12 hell naw i like females

Manly, Leonard 9:34 AM (1 minute ago) to me

Q: What is the difference between a drunk and a stoner at a stop sign? A: The drunk guy runs it and the stoner waits for it to turn green!