1 + 1 = window
Exam is knocking at my door. ...so I ran away from the window
Q: Have you ever felt a window? A: Did you feel the pane?
"Gosh, it's raining cats and dogs," said Suzie looking out of the kitchen window "I know," said her mother "I've just stepped in a poodle!"
how to make time fly
answer throw a clock out of the window
Why did sally fall of the swing-someone chucked a brick at her. Why did sally through a clock out the window-she had brain damage from the brick.
How did the computer get out of the house?
He used windows.
What happens when Stephen hawking dies? The windows shutdown sound plays.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was asked if he wanted to upgrade to Windows 10. He replied, "I still love Vista, baby".
Since it started raining, all my wife has done is look sadly through the stupid window. If it gets any worse, I'll have to let her in.