Why did the weatherman’s cheeks turn pink? He saw the climate change.
What do you call an Eskimo stripper?
A frosty-tute.
Animals are just... so hot
Yesterday during The storm there was a blackout, so I shot him
What’s a rapper's favorite type of weather?
When it's COOLIO
How do you find a rapper in a snowstorm?
Look for the one with the ICE-COLD RHYMES
Why did the rapper carry an UMBRELLA?
Because he heard there was a 50% chance of "Lil Wayne"
Why was the rapper always calm during a storm?
Because he knew how to RIDE THE FLOW
How does a rapper stay warm in the winter?
With some HOT TRACKS
Why did the rapper carry an umbrella?
In case of ILL RHYMES
Why did the rapper carry an umbrella?
For when he made it RAIN in the club
If Mexico is an unredeemable shithole, then how come the Republicans' favorite senator, Ted Cruz, ran to Mexico as fast as he could after a little bit of snow in his home?
what do you call an American looking at cloud shapes
How is a marriage like a hurricane?
In the beginning there’s a lot of sucking and blowing but at the end you lose your house
How do you make someone in Africa disappointed?
Sing "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head."
What was the weather forecast when the planes hit the world trade center? Partly Cloudy with scattered passengers!
A few days after her husband’s death, a widow accidentally receives an email from a man waiting for his wife in Spain. The email reads: „Dearest Wife, just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow. P. S. It’s really hot down here“.
why don't indians like snow?
because it's white all over their land
It's been raining for days. My wife is totally depressed. She keeps looking through the window. If this keeps up, I'll have to let her in.
Expectation: Brr, I’m cold! Here brother! I’ll give you my jacket, I don’t want you to be cold!
Reality: Brr, I’m cold! Well, damn bro, I can’t control the weather.