Girls are like volcanoes.
You never know when they will erupt.
Girls are like volcanoes.
You never know when they will erupt.
"the floor is lava!"
- everyone, Pompeii 79 A.D.
What do volcanoes and suicide bombers have in common?
They both erupt when triggered.
How does the earth rate it's sex?
Earthquake, Caticlism, Volcano explosion Earth's core explodes.
If the earth's core explodes, then he got tore up!
What does a volcano say when it has a runny nose “I have a runny volcanoes”
Did you hear about the volcano that was accepted into Cambridge? It was a decision on the number of degrees it holds, which is a lot, because volcanoes have lava, if they're active. And ours was.
What do you call a orphan u put into a volcano with a wheelchair Hotwheels