Which tower is better at playing catch the south tower obviously it caught 2
Why didn’t twin towers like there pizza
Cause it was plain
Q:What did the kid on the airplane say A:Those are two nice towers right there
are you the twin towers? cause you sure upgraded
What do theh twin towers and your siblings have in common? once they tunr 18 they never come back
What does a pencil and a plan of in common?
They were both in the twin towers.
The twin towers ordered 3 tacos. One was just a plane tortia. The other one was also just a plane tortia. And the third one went to the wrong adress.
The Sexy towers are just like my sexy toes because when I crashed a plane into the tower it burned and bled
I got these to people in my class we call them twin towers so when I hered about I threw a paper at plane at them
What mistake did the manager of the twin towers make?
He replaced all the window cleaners with 2 commercial jets
Bro the twin towers are like my grandpa and his friends one survived/ my grandpa the others have fallen/ his friends
not sure if the twin towers were destroyed or if they were just purposely demolished.🖐️😀
What is the difference between the twin towers and the leaning tower of pizza? one held it’s balance the other two fell
Why did the north tower want chocolate ice cream? Because he didn't want plane
What were the web?
Knock knock Whos there Idont know but the twin towers do
I dont understand why the twin towers were super upset there pizza just got there alot faster by plane