
Toilet Jokes

I see how it is y’all be buying toilet paper stocking up from the Coronavirus but where on the symptoms does it say diarrhea lol why y’all be buying toilet paper now I am just confused


When you're Russian to the bathroom, and when you're finished you're from Finland. what are you when you are IN the bathroom?


Its embarrassing when there is no toilet paper and you need to go and get one with your pants down, lucky enough the super market is just round the corner.


A three strangers have opened a gay chat; but if one left the chat, the chat will be closed.

Stranger 3: how to turn a straight guy into a gay guy?

Stranger 1: you can't!

Stranger 2: you can

Stranger 3: how?

Stranger 2: by using the same idea of russian experiment; like in a detention, put him in a closed room full of gay stuff but the difference that he can sleep and he will have a food for 30 days and toilet too.

Stranger 3: great idea, but who can we try first?

Stranger 1: you all gays are evil monsters

Stranger 2: i think the stranger 1 is just a straight spy let's try this experi-

(the chat has been closed by stranger 1)


a dad asked his son what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday and he replied... hows about a urinal cake?!!

The toilet having an argument with the toilet paper, the owner of the house had a diarrhea, who's day was more shittier!?🤷‍♂️💩

Me: Hey you trashy pig woman go in the toilet or lay on the grass where you Belong. Trashy Pig woman: why Because you smell like fart and your pretty much just a Turd with Lips.