What did the trans woman say after finally telling her parents about her surgeries?
“It felt really good to get that off my chest.”
What did the trans woman say after finally telling her parents about her surgeries?
“It felt really good to get that off my chest.”
That feeling when elbow surgery was yesterday.
What’s the best part about being a circumcision doctor?
The pay is good and you also get to keep the tips!
What does the word circumcise mean?
Cut off a boy's or a man's dick, or cut off a girl's or a woman's foreskin.
I have a lot of respect for trans women.
That surgery takes balls!
Michael Jackson goes to the doctor.
Michael Jackson: "Help, doctor, I've been shot!" Doctor: "I can't fix that, but I can change your skin color so it doesn't happen again."
what did Bruce Willis say after he had a vasectomy? "snip-y ki yay motherfucker"
My boss doctor said that we are getting a surgent coming in tomorrow im super excited to work with him the next day we had to do our first ever open hart surgery so me and the surgeon spent many hours on this patient so we finished the surgery and went out side for a smoke and we were talking I said why did you keep the patients blood on your glove? He replied we in my free time I test it for anything diseases HIV the next day I got invited to his house and we had some drinks I said this is amazing red tea what is in it just the 2000 people you have cut opened .
If you donate one kidney, everybody loves you, and you’re a total hero. But donate five, and suddenly everyone is yelling. Geez!
Cosmetic surgery used to be such a taboo subject. Now you can talk about Botox, and nobody raises an eyebrow.
Why did the Polish urologist cut his cock off with a knife?
To take care of his erectile dysfunction.
But you could get plastic surgery and look 20 years younger, with that, no one will suspect you!
What do you call a Barbie doll that’s wearing scrubs? A plastic surgeon 😷