For being a big company, NASA is openly saying they want pictures of Uranus.
Earth is smaller than Uranus, wth?
Henry is in Uranus.
Guy 1: "Stop looking at my ass!" Guy 2: "I said look at Uranus." Guy 1: "I'm looking at uranus!" Guy 2: "I said Uranus like the planet!" Guy 1: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
73 Earths can fit in Uranus.
Uranus is sideways and leaking methane.
Kid to daddy: "Why do they call it Uranus?"
Daddy to kid: "Cause, son, it's Uranus."
What did Mars say to Saturn?
"Give me one of your rings!" 😄
Teacher: What’s the closest planet?
Kids yell: Sun.
Except for one.
Other kid: Uranus.
Teacher: Uranus?
Other kid: Yeah, it’s right there.
What did Saturn say to Uranus? Hi.
Why is Pluto a dwarf planet?
Because it looks like a g-nome.
Be careful, because I heard that NASA is going to send a rover to Uranus.
What's NASA's grossest mission?
Probing Uranus.
Why do planets circle the sun?
'Cause they like the game of ring-around-the-rosy.
Your mama so fat, Jupiter is smaller than her.
What planet is related to planet butts? Uranus.
SCP-173 has breached containment. This is not a joke. Multiple Keter class SCPs have breached containment. This is an XK class event. Evacuate the Earth and solar system. The world is ending!
Why didn't Neptune marry Saturn?
Because he knew he wasn't hot!
My favorite planet is Saturn because it is tight next to Uranus.
Uranus has a lot of poop. Yeah. That is my joke.