your mama so fat that she doesn't get crushed by cars, she crushes cars and babies in strollers on the sidewalk when she falls and doesn't see any remains so there is no evidence.
Yo mama so fat she got arrested for carrying 10 pounds of CRACK.
Yo mama so fat! when she jumps into a pool, NASA found water on Mars!!!!!
yo mama so fat when santa clause went down the chimney he said ho ho hooooly sh*t
Yo mama's ass is so fat it has its own congressman
Yo mama so fat when you married your sister she was big enough to sit on the groom's side and the bride's side.
You're so fat, astronomers discovered a planet larger than Earth but smaller than Uranus.
Yo mama so fat, when she joined Team 10...
It became TEAM, 10, TONS!
Yo mama so fat, when she plays Undertale, Omega Flowey's mouth isn't big enough to eat her!
Yo mama so fat, she doesn't need internet, because she's already WORLDWIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yo momma is so fat, i took a picture of her last christmas and its still printing.
Yo mama so fat she needs 500,000 calories a day to keep her fueling
Yo mama so fat she brung a pencil to early intervention
Your mum is so fat she gets hit by a parked car
Yo mama's so fat, when God said "Let there be light" he asked her to move out of the way
Yo mama is so fat, when she took a walk she made an earthquake!!!!!
you mama so fat when she stepped on the skail it said one at a time
your mama is so fat when she stepped on a scale it said damm
Yo mama so fat, when she sat on Walmart, the prices went down.
you mama so fat she filed um min crafts block limit lol XD