What’s the difference between Diana and Casper the ghost?
Casper can go through walls, Diana can't.
What’s the difference between Diana and Casper the ghost?
Casper can go through walls, Diana can't.
Did you hear about the new drink commemorating Princess Diana?
It had nine shots and seven chasers!
What’s the difference between a Mercedes and a Skoda?
Princess Di wouldn’t be seen dead in the back of a Skoda...
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Di who?
See, easily forgotten.
What's the difference between Freddie Mercury and Princess Diana?
Freddie lived long enough to be a Queen.
What do Princess Diana and the Beatles have in common?
They both made quite an impact in Europe.
What's the difference between 63 cents and Princess Diana?
It's easier to scrape up 63 cents.
Did you know Princess Diana's last dress she wore was white? But afterwards it was red.
What was the last hat Princess Diana wore?
A bonnet.
What's the difference between Princess Diana and Thomas the Tank Engine?
Thomas came out the other end of the tunnel.
What is the difference between Princess Diana and my laptop?
When my laptop crashes, I give a s**t.
Why did Princess Diana cross the road?: She wasn’t wearing her seatbelt.
Did you know Princess Diana had dandruff; they found her head and shoulders all over the windshield.