
Parent Jokes

One day at school I made fun of a girl who lost her hair from cancer, and my parents made me shave my head.

The next day at school I made fun of an orphan.

egg shaped, dome, bowling ball lookin ass, bald fuck with that 360 degrees ahh head, mf look like a damn balloon. call me kobe cause im finna use your head as a basketball and throw it at yo parents. mr clean, bootleg saitama lookin ass mfer. no hair? :(

The way u are so ugly ur parents even regret the day u were born

The way u are so black when ur mom is bathing u in the dark she has to put flour in the water to see u 🤣🤣🤣

Why do orphans that go to there friends house friends mom:go back to your house it’s late Finn wait can I have your moms phone number Finn friends mom: wait aren’t you a orfinn wait don’t you have a phone Finn? wait I forgot you don’t have a phone because nobody wanted to get you a phone or to get you

What's the difference between a new born baby and an orphan after a rugby match?

They both come out bloody and crying, but least one gets picked up.

mom tells her son to go to the other kid to walk to the kid just standing still to clap so the kid can hear and move out of the way of the car(but her son was blind the other kid had no legs so he couldn't walk and the kid has no arms so he couldn't clap and the kid died because he couldn't hear he was deaf)

I asked a kid at my work where his parents were. He started crying. Man, I don't know what I did. I'll ask another kid at the orphanage.