Much Jokes

It's funny how teachers are supposed to educate new lives but only teach certain kids how much they want to commit suicide and how many ways there are.

My grandfather said that ppl rely on technology too much these days, so I thought about what he said and decided to unplug his life support.

My homework was to watch as much porn as I can... and tell my teacher the details so he won't get in trouble for watching it during class

When you don't wear earrings for a long time the hole can close and it hurts so much when you want to put it back πŸ™„πŸ™„ 😁😁😁🀣

- .... . / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. / .. ... / -. . ...- . .-. / .- / -. . ...- . .-. -....- . -. -.. .. -. --. / .... . .-.. .-.. / .... --- .-.. .

Irregular heartbeat. Heart palpitations. Arrhythmia. I search and search, eyes
scanning everything I can find on their symptoms. What is thie? Shortness of breath?
Chest pain? Dizziness? No. This is all wrong. Elyssa's cymptoms are nowhore near this
simple. ve seen it twice now. The screams of pais. Sickeningly pale skin. Voriting
biced. There is no other cxplanation, other than thas Renier's information was a
complete and atter lie.
This can t all be coincidence. It's not possible. I don't know how much of this Renier
is behind. But I do know this: There is something horribly wrong with this family.
And I accepted the invitation to become a part of it.
I can hear Elycsa screams through the walls now. I listen helplessly. Renior said
that he would be with her shortly. Is he in her room now? Why is she screaming even
louder than before?

I wanted to do something nice for my uncle, so i cleaned out the nice vase that was given at grandma's funeral. It had so much sand im glad to help

My friends were worried that I was making suicide jokes so much, so I said "Don't worry, you won't have to hear them much longer."

An eight year old girl struggles to breath as she lies on a hospital bed and waits for the doctor to come. After the doctor comes he pulls his cock out of her mouth and she can breathe much better.

A 9 year old year girl lies on a hospital bed struggling to breath as she waits for the doctor to come. The doctor finally comes and the little girl can breathe much easier after he pulls his cock out of her mouth

If God didn’t mean for us to have sex with 11 year old girls, why did he make them so sexy and so much physically weaker?