Have a sink in your house? Eat it. Have a mouse in your house? Kill it. Have a child in your house? M I C R O W A V E I T .
just kidding now watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5tjtUFL0j4
Have a sink in your house? Eat it. Have a mouse in your house? Kill it. Have a child in your house? M I C R O W A V E I T .
just kidding now watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5tjtUFL0j4
A fly is 6 inches above water and a fish sees it and it leaps out and gets the fly then a bear garbs the fish and eats it, then a hunter shot the bear and a mouse saw some crackers and then leaped on the cracker and ate it then a cat runs down to get the mouse trips and falls into the water and that's the story of how six inches can get a pussy wet.
Why are elephants scared of computers? Because of the mouse.
the reason why steven h died was that someone poisoned his chocolate mouse
What can a mouse do? He cliks.