Mother's Day

Mother's Day Jokes

If an orphan tells you there's 365 days in a year, tell them for you it's only 363 days because you skip Father's Day and Mother's Day.

Everyone: So, wait, let me get this straight. Feminists want to cancel Father's Day because it is offensive to single mothers.

Feminists: Correct.

Everyone: Then what the f*** is the point of Mother's Day?

That poor kid, he was fine until I bought him a mother's day card for his mum. The second he saw it, he burst out crying...

Why is there only 363 days in an orphan calendar? Because they don't have Mother's Day or Father's Day.

There are only 363 days in a year for orphans because Mother's Day and Father's Day don't count.

Why does an orphan’s calendar only have 363 days?

There are no Father’s or Mother’s Days on their calendar.

wanna know something the orphan could never do

wish anyone a happy Mother’s Day or Father’s Day

if you ever get bored tell an orphan to take two days off their calendar if they ask why say because your missing fathers day and mother’s day

Why do orphans have only 363 days in their calendar year Because they don't have father's & mother's days