Orphan Calendar

Why are there only 363 days in an orphan's calendar? They don't have Father's or Mother's Day.




This is a dark joke that plays on the idea that orphans do not have a mother or father to celebrate on the respective holidays, therefore they would not have those days on their calendar. It's a bit sad, but also funny in a morbid way.

Comments (35)

There is also no family day

What about fathers day

It is still a day

yes yes very good

they also dont got christmas or halloween who gonna pay for all that gifts, bathomet

it still counts as a day


Ha this is a good one, poor orphans tho lol

that's just messed up 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Im disliking all orphan jokes stuipd FU**

That’s so dark but funny lol

What about Christmas Easter Halloween and their birthday

wow so sad

this is just childish imagine if u were an orphin

This was so funny, i literally fell of ny chair almost droping my computer 😂

u r soo mean bitch cunt fuckwit

Not like orphans have parents to buy them a phone or computer to read any of the jokes

if you don't like mean jokes then don't read jokes at all because all jokes are aimed at something and that what makes it funny

I may be an orphan BUT I LOVE THOS SITE ITS SO FUNNY (some jokes are true and some aren’t)