
Milk Jokes

My dad went to go buy milk, but he walks as slow as my grandmother. My grandmother is paralyzed in the legs.

one day, the milkman came to drop off milk. The boy asked the milkman, do you know where my dad is. The milkman replies, I am your dad, then runs off like batman

What’s the difference between the milk and drugs?

My dad brought the drugs back not the milk tho😭

I always wanted to go to the store as a kid because I always wanted to look for my dad that went to go get the milk but I could never find him

Kid: Dad where are you going

Dad: To get milk


Kids friend: wheres your dad

Kid: he went to get milk but never came back

Child: *drinking milk*

Farmer: hey, what are you doing?

Child: oh I just milked one of your cows

Farmer: We don't have any cows, we only have bulls

Child: *realizes*

Old.mother riley, had a fat cow.. she milked it and milked it but didnt know how, she pulled his tail, pulled his tits.. old mother riley was covered in sh!t💩

Hi guys the prankster is backster!

I was gone for a long time because of this bullying about a nice sweet girl named gwen! So my 6th prank is on...

When I put some bad stuff in my sisters tooth past bottle!

Okay so I took some smelly mints from the jelly bean game! I had molded cheese jelly bean, molded milk, and worms jelly bean! Jelly bean tastying is this game where weird tasted jelly beans are in there so I got some mints and putted it there! Then next thing you new was! My sassy ass sister had her breath smelling like a chimpanzes buttock!