Mental Health

Mental Health Jokes

There's nothing more depressing than a failed suicide attempt. 18. What caused the Great depression? A lack of comedians.

ahem.. if somebody you dont like, or somebody random just calls you in general,

answer the phone with this

Hello thank you for choosing mamas pizzeria/ abortion clinic, your loss is our sauce how may i help you?


hello this is davids orphanage you make them we take them how may i help you?

some people reactions are priceless and then the wonder about you mental health

One day a man buys a rope to suicide, but his friend stops him. They go to a school with lots of happy kids. The guy feels better after a mag.

do depressed people hate swimming. They hate it because they are already drowning in their depression but they love it cus it might make all their dreams come true

i didnt mean to call a afghanistan Hotline, i told them i was Depressed then they asked if i know how to drive a truck idk how that has anything to do with it