Yo mama so fat, I saw her eat with 3 utensils : A spoon, a knife, and a FORKLIFT
YO MAMA SOO STUPID!!, she though base balls at bat man
Yo mama so ugly that when she turned on the tv it changed channels by it self
Yo mama so stupid she though seaweed was something fish smoke
Your mama so fat when she put a leg in the car da wheels deflated
yo mamas so fat she woke up on both sides of the bed
yo mama so fat when she laid on a water bed she laid on the whole pasific ocan
yo mama sooo stupid when i said "go deep" she dug a hole in the feild
Yo mama's so ugly, she threw a boomerang and it refused to come back.
Yo mama so stupid she brought weed to the high way, Then sh realized im not stupid i was just high as a bitch she just got fucked so hard by her man she thought she was high.
Yo mama so hairy, you almost died from a rug burn
(Don't take this seriously just funny): Yo mama so fat when she put on a yellow raincoat people see her a yell "Hey Yo Taxi!!!"
Your mama so fat juptier is small are then here
yo mama went to safeway to be safe
The only people who do yo mama jokes wish they had a mom.
Yo mama so skinny, she choked on a SINGLE STRAND OF SPAGHETTI!
Yo mama is so fat she couldn't even fit through the rabbit hole at first because she ate like a damn pig last night when we had dinner.
Where does kristen stewart get her virginity from? She get it from her mama and papa.
The other day this duck came by the gas station he ask the cashier do you have any duck food here the cashier said hell naw I got no damn duck food this the gas station not no damn swamp and I ain't ya mama. Then the duck ask him two more times and then the cashier said for the last time no I don't have any duck food here for you ok if you ask me again i will put you in the oven and deep fried you like Kentucky fried chicken.
How come yo mama did not come straight home from work last night? Because her daughter had sex with her boyfriend and got drunk.