What kind of cow has 2 legs?
a mom cows last words were to the mom cows son they were you are then died the son though that he was adopted but then 3 years later the mom cow rose from the dead and said to her son that she was going to say you were adorable then she died once more then 2 years later she rose from the dead for the last time to say to her son and that's why we adopted you.
Why don’t cows have any money?
Because farmers milk them dry.
What happens when you mess with a farmer? You get the whole ranch.
How are a mouse and a bale of hay alike?
The cat'll eat it (the cattle eat it).
A lady from the city and her traveling companion were riding the train through Vermont when she noticed some cows. "What a cute bunch of cows!" she remarked.
"Not a bunch, a herd," her friend replied.
"Heard of what?"
"Herd of cows."
"Of course I've heard of cows."
"No, a cow herd."
"What do I care what a cow heard? I have no secrets to keep from a cow!"
What’s a cow’s favorite piece of furniture? The cowch ( couch)
A farmer counted 196 cows in the field.
But when he rounded them up, he had 200.
Where do sheep go to shop? Woolmart
Why did the cow not want to talk to the other cow? Because they had beef with each other.