Chuck Norris can pick an apple from an orange tree and make the best lemonade you've ever tasted.
Chuck Norris can make Minute Maid lemonade in 5 seconds.
I'll never forget how my grandmother died. "This lemonade tastes like bleach..."
In a normal country, they have lemonade. In Soviet Russia, they have Leninade: "Refresh yourself with a cold war."
Last night I had a dream I was swimming in lemonade... turns out I peed the bed.
Florida: Homemade Taco Stand
California: Homemade Lemonade Stand
Alabama: Homemade Abortion Stand
"Milk, milk, lemonade, around the corner, chocolate's made." (Point to your boobs, vagina/crouch area, and then to your butt area in sync with words.)
How do you call a very good lemonade?
You know they say, when you get lemons make lemonade... Well, I took that a little bit too literal.
Turns out squeezing your wife's tits as hard as you can hurts them.
But at least lemonade came out!
My cousin: “How’s the lemonade stand supposed to run when you’re at softball practice?!”
Me: “Lemonade stands can’t run, dufus.”
I orphan walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand hey bum bum bum got a family
I had a glass of Schweppes lemonade in one hand and a glass of R. Whites in the other. I got into a hot sweat. I think I have Corona Virus.
The duck walked up to the lemonade stand. And he said to the man Running the stand Hey Bomp bomp bomp Got any grapes?
I "onerie," or however you spell it, I like to replace all romance or similar memes with duck memes. Just comment duck memes there and change Valentine's Day to Duck Day. Also, for the joke:
Why did the duck walk up to the lemonade stand?
Because he wanted grapes.
I tried a lemonade from my friend. It tasted fantatastic!