Duck Asks for Grapes

I "onerie," or however you spell it, I like to replace all romance or similar memes with duck memes. Just comment duck memes there and change Valentine's Day to Duck Day. Also, for the joke:

Why did the duck walk up to the lemonade stand?

Because he wanted grapes.



Explain Bear

Hey, dummy! The joke is a play on a classic joke about a duck at a lemonade stand. Usually, the duck asks for grapes, but in this case, the punchline is the whole joke! Why? Because the author of the joke is regarded as a duck. Grapes are a meme related to ducks. Also, you are very regarded.

Comments (1)

if you don't like my spelling explain bear, have you realized I'm a duck and you are a bear I've got more internet power and meme power so shut the Duck up and get a life and stay off my property or the internet.