Last night, I had a dream that I was swimming in an ocean of orange soda. I guess it was just a Fanta sea!
If drinking alcohol makes you an alcoholic, does drinking Fanta make you fantastic?
I had a dream about the whole ocean being filled with orange soda.
Turns out it was a Fanta sea.
I had a dream of swimming in an ocean of orange soda. I guess it is just a FANTAsea.
How do you call a very good lemonade?
Donald Trump and Fanta both have some things in common.
They are both orange and were conceived from Nazis!
If people who live in Canada are Canadians, I mean if they drink Fanta, theyβre fantastic.
Fanta Klare Zitrone is cool.
I tried a lemonade from my friend. It tasted fantatastic!