what do orphans and spiderman have in common
they both have no way home
What does chicken on a plancha and emos have in common. they both are hung
What do Hitler and trump have in common they both do hand gestures.
What do my dad and Nemo have in common they both can’t be found
What does Michael jackson and Linus have in common? They both carry a little blanket
What does an armed bank robbery and Michael Jackson have in common?
Someone gets hurt
What does Michael Jackson and Jeffery Dahmer have in common?
They both enjoy kids company.
What does the Catholic Church and Worstjokesever.com have in common?
Their both full of child groomers
what do dropouts and Boeing 767 have in common?
they crash and burn
(whats the quickest way to get to the hospital? - just stand in the middle of a busy road) (whats red and bad for your teeth? - a brick) (what do my dad and nemo have in common? - the both can't be found) (what do you do after raping a deaf person? - cut their fingers off so they don't tell anyone) ( MORE JOKES COMING SOON LMAO ;] )
What does Steven hawking have in common with the gates one stands the other doesn't
What does fortnite and real life have in common?
They both lost their tower