An ICE agent tells a Mexican that he can get his green card if he can use green, pink, and yellow correctly in a sentence. The Mexican thinks for a minute and says, "My phone goes green, green, and I pink it up and say yellow."
Why did the autistic ice cream run away from the party?
She had a meltdown.
Why was the rapper cold in the recording studio?
Because his bars were ICE
In honor of Diddy:
The ice cream machine at McDonald's now works!
why did little johnny drop his ice cream? because he got hit by a bus
You must be ice cream because I wanna lick you up.
I did Walmart take the Juneteenth ice cream off the shelf It was only 3/5 full
If Joe Biden was on stage and he heard the gunshots, he would’ve probably thought it was the ice cream truck
You know how Joe Biden is happy?
When he is rubbing a little girls' shoulders and eating ice cream.
What do you call a rapper who LOVES winter sports?
Ice Cube
How do rappers stay cool?
They have MAD ICE!
Why did the rapper go to the dentist?
To get his ICE checked
How do you find a rapper in a snowstorm?
Look for the one with the ICE-COLD RHYMES
How do rappers stay warm in the winter?
They wear their ICE CHAINS
How do rappers stay cool?
Why was the rapper always cold?
Because his lyrics were too ICY!
How does a rapper greet someone on a COLD DAY?
"Yo, is the temperature Ice Cube, or Vanilla Ice?"
How do rappers stay cool in the summer?
They drop ICE COLD rhymes.
What do you call a rapper who LOVES desserts?
Ice Cream-E
Why was the rapper always cold?
Because he kept SPITTING ICE