
Gwen Jokes

Gwen: Prince they told me you'd be crying back. What do you want?

Prince: Nothing...BUT CAN WE GET BACK TOGETHER!?!?!

Gwen: Sorry...BUT...I have a life to live now I'm logging of this site and going to watch some tv I'll be back in 1 hour but we are done...DONE...DONE

Gwen just wanted to help you with the bullying. tip 1. Ignore them, bullys are really just cowards. tip 2. Stand up for your self, its ok for people to also help you but you do the same for your self! 3. Just let them be, their just stupid! Love you-Iariah

Prince might be with a new girl but he still wants Gwen, who dosent. Other half.

Gwen on the phone with Prince: Prince, stop sending me letters, poems, and memes through gmail. We broke up, its over!

Prince on the phone with Gwen: I know, but that new girl that I been seeing is not you! I missed you a lot! Please come back to me.

Gwen on the phone with Prince: I'm gonna hang up now!

Prince on the phone with Gwen: PLEASE DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gwen on the phone with Prince: Sorry I can't hear you...your breaking up...what?!

Prince on the phone with Gwen: Gwen! DO NOT HANG UP !!!!!!!!

Gwen on the phone with Prince: Okay...bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Want more go to break up jokes, love jokes, hate jokes and Revenge jokes and rape jokes!

Prince will be commeing back in 10 mins here is a joke

Gwen: Prince sorry but I'm wanting some one else instead. You've just been a complete jackass towards me, sorry good night.

Prince: Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gwen: Good night!

Prince: Why?

Gwen: good night!

Prince: We can work somethings out?

Gwen: Nope...NOW GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!!

To be contined

HI everyone that is mean to freshfry,Addison banks, drew,watersharky,Gwen,and jk master fucking get off this site bully's I love everyone here except the bullies!

Hi guys the prankster is backster!

I was gone for a long time because of this bullying about a nice sweet girl named gwen! So my 6th prank is on...

When I put some bad stuff in my sisters tooth past bottle!

Okay so I took some smelly mints from the jelly bean game! I had molded cheese jelly bean, molded milk, and worms jelly bean! Jelly bean tastying is this game where weird tasted jelly beans are in there so I got some mints and putted it there! Then next thing you new was! My sassy ass sister had her breath smelling like a chimpanzes buttock!


TO GWEN AND FRESHFRY: Hi Gwen and fresh fry you have been so amazing to me and now to my sister. you are the people who I look up to people r mean to us because i am adopted. thank you for all of your support!!!!!!

Hi gwen how is life!

A.Bad, lame, and suckish

B. Good, awesome and you are loved!

C. Perfect!

I'm guessing that your life is NOT B nor C! Man your such an asshole!

Gwen we can chat in 2 mounths my aunt just died from covid and is talking forever for us too get there to californa I love you your boyfriend prince!