
Go Jokes

Me: What do we need from there? I have a few things to do before I head out to the store, and then I will be home to pick up the stuff.

Random person: What stuff?🤨

Me: What?

The person: you said you’re going to pick up “the stuff”!!! What do you mean by that?!

Me: colourful flamingo fart.

One day my kid with no arms came up to me and said, "Mom, what's dark humor?" I thought about it, then said, "Go wave to that blind person." He just looked at me, confused, but angry.

Why do orphans that go to their friend's house get this reaction from the friend's mom:

"Go back to your house, it's late." "Finn, wait, can I have your mom's phone number?" "Finn, wait, aren't you an orphan?" "Wait, don't you have a phone, Finn?" "Wait, I forgot, you don't have a phone because nobody wanted to get you a phone or to get you."

What happened when a kid bullied an orphan? The orphan said I’m going to tell my mom Bully:I wanna see your mom Narrator:at that moment he new he messed up

This was my friends joke he wanted me to post;)

Let's hope the new tower doesn't go plane watching like the old ones

North Tower: Hey south tower we can talk later I gotta catch a plane

Mom tells her son to go to the other kid, to walk to the kid just standing still, to clap so the kid can hear and move out of the way of the car.

But her son was blind, the other kid had no legs so he couldn't walk, and the kid has no arms so he couldn't clap, and the kid died because he couldn't hear; he was deaf.