What is Alabama’s family tree? A circle.
Why does my brother have no mom?
The extra detention didn't do much, but the extra chromosome definitely did.
Is your mom a virgin?
Mine is.
How am I alive?
You tell me.
An orphan walks into a science lab. The lead scientist greets him and takes him to a DNA testing station. After some procedures, the results come back:
Why can't you solve a murder in Alabama?
All the DNA is identical and there are no dental records.
The reason why people are short is because their dad never came back with the milk.
Alabama gene pools are so shallow, when they freeze over, it's just snow.
Im related to diarrhea it runs in my geans
It's weird being an autistic eugenicist.
On one hand I want pussy and on the other hand I don't wanna pollute the white race with my genetic filth.
My sister said that I need to stop with the audited butt:
I got it from her when I was born.
What do Orphans and sperm donor kids have in Calmin They don't have dads
If Kenny had a son, we all know he would also be his brother.
Yeah, I'm made out of DNA.
✨ Depression and anxiety ✨
If mistakes make people human, then your parents must have been alligators before you were born.
Your family tree looks like a circle 💀💀💀
I'm not saying you're inbred. I'm just saying you're a textbook example of why consanguineous marriage might not be the best idea.
My dad's the oldest, and when he was young, he shot my grandpa's balls off, but I thought about it. How does my dad have younger brothers?
What’s the difference between a chromosome and a hormone?
You can hear a hormone.
Why can't two Asians make a white baby?
Because two wongs don't make a white.