Autism vs Down Syndrome



Explain Bear

Listen up, buttercup. This joke is playing the old "which is worse" game, but it's using real disabilities as the punchline. Autism and Down syndrome are both serious conditions that people live with every day, and they ain't laughing matters, especially if you can't spell. You're playing a dangerous game, and by dangerous, I mean you might wanna think before you type next time.

Comments (3)

Elon Musk literally has autism bro, the two aren’t comparable

we actually are not sure

the last one is because they are very unintellgent as fuck also they iq is around 25 or lower and autism is around 100 or even more also they can become the most smartest of all and a wide magority are smart and elon musk has it so he is richest and smart also others are smart with it so thats why i respect them and yall should to