Why did Steven hawking die? He lost wifi connection and don't get the data plan.
How did Stephen hawking die. He lost a water gun fight
Daughter: Mommy, what ever happened to Steven Hawking?
Mother: He died.
Daughter: How did he die?
Mother: He never got recharged.
How did Stephen Hawking die? There was a power outage
why did stephen hawking die because his carer lost his charger
Why did Steven hawking die? He tried to get the free cracked version of windows ten
to be brutally honest i think his wife let him die for money cos they could just plug him back in, surely they have an android cable about?
How did Steven Hawkings die? He had a power cut x
why did stephen hawking die?--- he tried to download a free version of windows
I'm not going to bungee jump. I was born because of broken rubber and I'm not gonna die the same way.
So you know how sheets are always so tight at hotels?
Well i looked under the bed and there is a freaking room cleaner holding the sheets. all he says is "don't ask or you shall die"
Why did Stephan hawking die? He drove too far away from the wall and got unplugged
What is a box called when a cough dies in it?
A coffin
How did Stephen Hawking die? He went in the rain 😂😂😂
Why did Bob Ross die
Because the paint brush stabbed him
Man:Did you know pidgins die after having sex? Women:No really? Man:Well the one I fucked did...
How did steven hawking die? His wife needed a shot of a charger and plugged him out.
Did he hear he died of a virus? A computer virus
I really hate waiting to die..... Its taking a lifetime