I wonder if Stephen Hawking was an organ donor, because I need new parts for my go-kart.
Kid: Hi.
Janitor: Wtf you want, kid?
Kid: Why are you rude?
Janitor: 'Cause I have a shitty job.
Why didnt the dog wanna play football??
Cuz he was a boxer!!!
Why is the sun so mean? cuz it keeps ROASTING everyone
Yo momma so fat that people jumped on her cuz they thought she was a school bus.
I went to the principal's office because I gave a deaf kid ear pods for his birthday.
why don't orphans go home at pick up? cuz they don't have parents to pick them up
Orphans are funny cuz all they do is sing "We Are Family."
want to know what i do in my freetime
punch an orphan cuz what are they going to do tell their mom
Why did your father go away?
'Cause he needs da milk.
What's worse than a failed suicide you ask? I fail suicide cuz you forgot to do the dishes and ur parents come after you and they're the ones to kill you not yourself
Are you an abstract manifestation of my childhood traumas and recent memories combined? 'Cause damn, you look like you came out of a dream!
A little girl said to her mom, "Mom, my butt's cracked, kiss it, kiss it!" Her mom said, "Sweetie, shut up, it's always been there!" Then her daughter died 'cause of her melodramaticness.
never kill an orphin cuz then that will end their mizuri
why did wilson die cuz he sucks
why can't orphans play house flipper? cuz they don't know what to do
Why in Alabama people don't use doggy style... Cuz you don't turn your back to your family.
Mom says: "I will go kill myself."
Me: *stays quiet cuz knows better than to talk* *also me internally eyerolls*
Some time later me fighting with my mom:
Me to my mom: "Oh, yea than kill me!"
Mom: "What the hell did you just say? I don't want to hear it from you again!"
So it's OK for adults to say "I'll kill myself" but not teens/kids!?!?
gay orphans don't exist cuz they have no one to call daddy. and lesbian orphans don't exist cuz they have no one to call mommy
Q. why do orphans hate fast and furious movies A. cuz they say family to often