Why did the skeleton want a friend cus he was feeling bonely
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Are you forehead and hairline friends? cus they go way back.
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why do orphans go to church cus there they have a father
Why do kids like bannas? cus they like doing the nana
r u a marry, cus ur my mother
I turned gay cus my wife is too poor
Why did Stephen Hawking go to hell? 'cus there was only a stairway to heaven!
Why cant homeless people but a house
are you a bullet cus *gets shot*
Why can’t Chinese people play cricket? cus they always eat the bat
why does adam go hockey you might ask? in my opinion he shouldnt go cus he is bad but he needs the armour to protect him self from his own STEP-DAD
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Why does the orphan hate family jokes?
Cus it doesn't have one
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