Considered Jokes

If I place a slide on the edge of a cliff or a really high building, would going down it be considered suislide?

Asking for a friend.

Donald Trump is proud of being white, which is strange, considering he's orange. Makes you wonder why he didn't pull a Michael Jackson and bleach his own skin....

I find it bemusing that hardcore right-wingers are superfans of Johnny Depp, considering that he looks like a dangerous Mexican drug lord.

I do consider Johnny Depp to be a victim of domestic violence...

Just like how I consider a children's hospital run by Michael Jackson and a retirement home run by Harold Shipman to be both safe places to be in.

Me to bully: You are so fat that when the satellite took the picture you were considered as an island. Bully:(Speechless)

Man 1: I-I ran my mom over to get a stupid book. Man 2: aww books aren't that bad. I'm sure she thinks you're a great son considering she can't drive anymore. Man 1: She was in the road and I was rushing to get the last copy of this book. She can't drive or do anything anymore

If I grew a nanometer taller for every 2/10 woman expecting a 6’3”+ guy, I would be considered attractive💀

Which planet would I consider dating?

I don’t know, but not Saturn cause she’s already got a ring on her

Judge: We shall now sentence you for the murder of your parents. Accused: Please consider a lenient sentence, your honour. Judge: But why? Accused: Because I’m an orphan. 🥱🫤

Canada being the most educated country in the world is bemusing, considering that Canadians cannot spell legalise and programme correctly.

Oh, and most of them do not realise that it's day-month-year, NOT month-day-year.