
China Jokes

COVID is like fashion...

We started hearing about it in Italy...

Became popular in LA and NYC...

Florida ignored it...

And it was all made in China in the end.

Why shouldn’t you call people in china?

Because there are so many wings and wongs you might wing the wong number

One knight a guy asked his wife were she wanted to eat she said Chinese food so he flew her to china the next night he asked her what she wanted to eat she said Indian food so he flew her to India the last night he said what do you want to eat and she said she wanted nothing so he flew her to Africa

Why can't a a citizen in communist china especially a chinese male who is between 18 - 29 years old can not buy a box of condoms in a drug store in communist china? Because the condom would be too big for the penis of chinese men in communist china

Why can’t Chinese people play baseball? Because they ate the bat. If you don’t get it a Chinese women ate a bat and she got the coronavirus (I think)

I looked at you and you were bald until I got slapped up by will smith to the back of your head and saw the Great Wall of china.