Trees are so social. They're always branching out.
What's a skeleton's favorite plant? A bone-zai tree. But if they don't like that one, how about a s-pine tree?
Can I branch out to some tree puns? Willow you allow me it’s only fur. No? Oakome on!
Why should you stay away from trees? - Because they wanna be leafed alone.
What's the difference between a cactus and a school bus?
On a bus all the little pricks are on the inside.
The flower made a phone call and became cauliflower.
Your hairline's so far back even Bill Nye the Science Guy couldn't use photosynthesis to fix it.
What did the flower say to the crazy peanut?
"Ur going nuts boii, get back on yo' plant. Ur too nuts for me."
I like plants, but then I decided to turn over a new leaf and branch out.
What do you call a creepy flower? A Pedel-File!
I hate long plants. They make me Ivysaur. Hahahahahahaha Pokemon!
A friend asked what an acorn is.
I said, “In a nutshell, it’s an oak tree.”
What do Jamaicans say when they touch a cactus?
What do you call a rapper who loves gardening?
Dr. Dre-seed.